Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 5 dni
Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł
Stan produktu: Nowy
Beyond its symbolic title, A Union of Spectres includes three brand-new tracks each from AETHYRICK and MARRAS. AETHYRICK begin the record with their by-now-characteristic sound: yearning and even a bit bittersweet, a sumptuous swoon of stargazing majesty gracefully glides effortlessly into one's soul. That the duo can move at mostly mid-tempo gait, regal but not without energy, and have it feel dizzying and dynamic underlines just how potent their spells are. MARRAS follow with an equally potent spell, one that's equal parts feverish violence and cinematic atmosphere. Nodding to the filthier end of the Finnish idiom, MARRAS create a blizzard of sound that soon opens up to reveal haunting, incredibly icy corridors – exceptionally layered, ethereal synths straddling the line between symphonic and cosmic. A Union of Spectres indeed!