Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 5 dni
Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł
Stan produktu: Nowy
Welcome to first class technical death metal madness. Machine-gun vocals rattle remorselessly over a furious flurry of arpeggios, scales, and everything else that the two string wizards of ARCHSPIRE can pick at break-finger speed out their guitars. If this sounds hardly human at the level of technical execution, the Gatling-style hyper-drumming pushing these monstrous compositions forward is adding to the alien impression. It cannot even be a question that the Canadians have outdone themselves with their third full-length, 'Relentless Mutation'. This album is simply insane in a most excellent way. The level of musicianship that ARCHSPIRE offer will leave even tech death fans drooling!