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Strona główna » Płyty CD » ASKOG Varþnaþer DIGIPAK [CD]


Fallen Temple Bandcamp
  • Fallen Temple
    wytwórnia muzyczna i sklep internetowy
    NIP: 5732421614
  • E-mail:shop@fallentemple.pl
  • Godziny działania sklepucodziennie 9.00 - 17.00
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Dostępność: Dostępny

Czas wysyłki: 3 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Cena: 34,90 zł

Ilość: szt.
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  • Opis produktu
Solid Black Metal with an old school vibe, Åskog's debut full length, Varþnaþer, should be more than a blip on the black metal radar. In much the same way as Ordinul Negru's Faustian Nights really surprised me with it's strong songwriting Åskog have done much the same. In fact, the two projects, though thousands of miles apart, really are perfect examples of contemporary Black Metal which remains firmly rooted in Second Wave influences yet still feels fresh and vibrant. Åskog offer something a little more primal, primitive, and aggressive compared to the Romanians, though both utilize melody to an exceptional degree. The strength of the album is likely due to the long-time collaboration of it's creators Adam Chapman and Lars Hansson in their previous band Murdryk. Adam explained the genesis to me. "We wanted to do something new where we shared 100% of the band from the get-go and try slightly different styles of music. There are obviously similarities in the music between the two bands but Åskog has a stronger identity. Originally, the Åskog album would have been the third Murdryck album if we did not decide to start over. However, this album was written from scratch as Åskog and had no songs or music over from Murdryck."
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