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Strona główna » Płyty CD » CUTTERED FLESH Sharing Is Caring DIGIPAK [CD]


Fallen Temple Bandcamp
  • Fallen Temple
    wytwórnia muzyczna i sklep internetowy
    NIP: 5732421614
  • E-mail:shop@fallentemple.pl
  • Godziny działania sklepucodziennie 9.00 - 17.00
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Dostępność: Dostępny

Czas wysyłki: 5 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Cena: 62,90 zł

Ilość: szt.
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  • Opis produktu
These are high quality 8-panel digipak CDs having superior thickness and moreover have a metallic effect throughout in addition to gloss UV lamination done on parts of the artwork. It features the mind-blowing artwork of Par Olofsson and looks terrific.
Defying all expectations, Czech brutal death metal band Cutterred Flesh give birth to an album that can be regarded as an anomaly in the style, an aberration for a band sounding this heavy and brutal. Their constant variations, shocking mood changes, and tempo fluctuations belie the impossibly wide girth and ponderous gait of this band. And yet, they’re nimble and inventive, deceptively fast and catchy, emotive and thoughtful, and will invariably pound your skull into the ground and mercilessly at that. The strange juxtaposition of the slower, plaintive tunes with the bone-shattering blasting parts is as fascinating as it is lethal - it will catch you off guard and won’t play nice. It’s akin to a deranged psychopath killer showing overwhelming tendencies of remorse for his victims, but then killing them all anyway. It just has to be done. Cutterred Flesh aren’t fucking around; they mean business but the way they do it is revolutionary and extremely effective. This album is loaded with all the death metal riffs you need, all the diversity to not only set the songs apart but also keep things interesting, and that warm, comforting, bludgeoning heaviness that will put you to sleep, perhaps permanently. And you won’t see it coming. This is as good as a brutal death metal album can get being progressive without betraying its core sound and values.

For fans of: Godless Truth Official, Monument Of Misanthropy, Depravity, Suffocation, Devourment, Aborted, Cattle Decapitation, Benighted, Vulvectomy, Analepsy


released December 3, 2021

Line up -
Jiri Krs - Vocals
Vitali Novak - Guitar
David Krombholz - Guitar
Zdenek Hnizdil - Bass
Frantisek Drazdansky - Drums

Artwork by Par Olofsson (Aborted, Immolation)
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