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GODKILLER The End of the World [CD]

GODKILLER The End of the World [CD]

Dostępność: Dostępny

Czas wysyłki: 5 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Cena: 51,90 zł

Ilość: szt.
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  • Opis produktu
Remastered edition of Godkiller's debut album from 1998 on CD.
The album featured hook-laden tracks and immediate riffing working alongside more experimental ideas helping to define a trule individual Metal identity.
Formed in 1993 and hailing from Monaco, Godkiller was the vision of multi-instrumentalist & sole founding member, Duke Satanaël, who between 1996 and 2000 released an EP and 2 studio albums under the Godkiller name, commencing with the black metal cult classic debut 'The Rebirth of the Middle Ages'.
Though initially more a death metal inspired act in the formative years, Godkiller quickly developed into a project fully engulfed in the spirit of 1990s black metal, bringing to mind acts like Emperor and Satyricon for the implementation of such strong atmospherics, though on later releases Godkiller incorporated more industrial and electronic elements into the compositions as part of its creative evolution.
Remastered by Duke himself.
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