Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 3 dni
Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł
Stan produktu: Nowy
(Gildan Ultra Cotton shirt)
100% Official and exclusive shirt celebrating the Greek black metal masters, designed in conjunction with founding member The Magus (also known for his work in Thou Art Lord and Rotting Christ). The front features Christophe Moyen's iconic demo design from 1993 and the band's dragon sigil on the reverse with the motto 'Nos Es Eternus' - intended to mean 'We are Eternal'.
Necromantia / Magus features in both 'Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult' and 'Non Serviam: The Official Story Of Rotting Christ' books, both available in this store.
Created by Cult Never Dies