-- wybierz -- 20 Buck Spin A Fine Day To Die Rec. Ablaze Prod. Abstract Emotions Act of Hate Rec. ADG Records ADX Music Aesthetic Death AFM Records After World Records Aftermath Rec. Against Audio Agni's Embers Agonia Rec. Ahdistuksen Aihio Prod. Alkolik Holocaust Records Alma Mater Records Alone Records Altar Of The Black Ram Altare Prod. American Recordings Amor Fati Prod. Ancien Culte Ancient Sounds Of Madness Anger Of Metal Records Anglaslakt Productions AnnapurnA Antihumanism Records Antikosmos Records Aphelion Apocalyptic Empire Rec. Apocalyptic Productions Apocalyptic Witchcraft Apostasy Rec. Arachnophobia Rec. Arauto da Morte Records Arcane Angels Prod. Ardua Music Argento Records Art Of Propaganda Astral Nightmare Astral Temple Atlantic ATMF Aural Music Austral Holocaust Prod. Australibus Tenebris AVALANCHE RECORDINGS Avantgarde Awakening Records Babylon Doom Cult Back On Black Barathrum Records Basement Records Battlesk'rs Productions Behest Prod. Behind The Mountain Behold Barbarity Bestial Burst Bestial Invasion Rec. Beyond Eyes BINDRUNE RECORDINGS Black Arts Black Bunker Black Death Production Black Flame Rebellion Black Gangrene Prod. Black Lodge Black Mark Prod. Black Plague Records Black Sleeves Blackened Force Blackened Recordings BlackSeed Productions Blasphemous Art Prod. Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Bleak Bone Mortualia Blood Harvest Blood Music Blooddawn Productions Bloody Productions Blues Funeral Recordings Blut & Eisen Productions BMG Boris Records Brazilian Ritual Rec. Bubonic Productions Burznazg Productions By Norse Music Byelobog Prod. Cacophonous Records Caligari Prod. Candlelight Capitol Records Carbonized Records Careless Cargo Records Carnal Rec. Cashens Gap Century Media Chaos Records Christhunt Productions Church of Vinyl Classic Metal Clavis Secretorvm CLEOPATRA RECORDS Closed Casket Activities Code666 Records Cogumelo Records Cold Dimensions Cold Spring Colourless Art Concreto Records Copremesis Records Cosmic Key Creations Critical Mass Rec. Cruz Del Sur Cryptia Productions Crypts of Eternity Productions Cult Never Dies Cursed Recordings CW Productions Cyclopean Eye Productions Daemon Worship Dark Adversary Productions Dark Archives Dark Descent Dark Essence Rec. Dark Hidden Production Dark Omens Prod. Dark Symphonies Dark Terror Temple Darker Than Black Darkness Shall Rise Darzamadicus Records Dawnbreed Records Dead Seed Productions Deadbangers Prod. Death Dealer Productions Death In Pieces Records Death Invocation Records Death Kvlt Death Manifestations Death Prayer Death To Mankind Death Voice Records Deathcamp Rec. Deathlike Silence Productions Deathrune Debemur Morti Prod. Defense Records Deformeathing Production Demented Omen Of Masochism Destruktion Devil's Advocate Records Diabolic Might Records Diabolicurst Productions Dirter Discipline Dissonance Prod. Distributiöns öf Death Disturbio Records Doc-Records Dolorem Records Doomentia Rec. Down with the Most High Drakkar Prod. Dreadful Records Dunkelheit Produktionen Duplicate Rec. Dusktone Dybbuk Dying Sun Records Dying Victims Productions Earache Eastside Eat Metal Records Echoes of Erebos Productions Edged Circle Prod. Eisenwald Prod. El Abismo Elegy Rec. Emanzipation Productions Empire Rec. End All Life Prod. eOne Equinox Discos Escafismo Records Esfinge de la Calavera Essential Purification Eternity Records Everlasting Spew Rec. Evil Prevails Productions EXPENSIVE WOODLAND RECORDINGS Extremely Rotten Productions F.D.A. F.O.A.D. Rec. Fallen Angel Fallen Empire Fallen Temple Fallen-Angels Productions Fanclub Fat Ass Records Fettered Redwoods Filthy Cave Records Final Agony Records Floga Rec. Flowing Downwards Folter Rec. Forever Plagued Records Forgotten Wisdom Productions Fossbrenna Creations France D'Oïl Productions Freezing Records From Below Prod. From Deepest Records From The Grave Productions Frost & Fire Fuck Yoga Records Fukk Rec. Funeral Industries Fysisk Format GMR Music Group Goat Kult Symphonies Goatmarch Distro GoatowaRex Godeater Rec. GODREAH RECORDS Godz Ov War Golden Core Gramschap Gravplass Propaganda Grey Wolf Records Greyhaze Records Grind To Death Records Grinder Cirujano Rec. Grindestroy Gutter Disease Haeresis Noviomagi Hammer Of Damnation Hammer Of Hate Hammerbund Hammerheart Rec. Harvest of Death Headsplit Records Heavy Metal Classic Heavy Metal Rock Heidens Hart Heljamadr Productions Hell is Here Prod. Hell's Fire Records Hell's Headbangers Rec. Hellforced Records Hellthrasher Prod. Helter Skelter Prod. Hexencave Prod. High Roller Rec. High Voltage Production His Wounds Holy Records Hooked on Metal Records Hospital Prod. House of Mythology Huangquan Records I Hate Rec. I Voidhanger Records Ibex Moon Iconoclasm Conquest IG Farben Produktion III Damnation Productions Immortal Frost Productions Imperium Productions IMPURE WEEDING Impurity Productions Indie Recordings Inferna Profundus Rec. INFINITE DARKNESS Inhuman Assault Productions Inhumar Producciones Inside Out Music Into Dungeons Records Into Endless Chaos Into The Dark Invictus Prod. Iron Bonehead Iron Fist Productions IRON GLORY Iron Grip Records Iron Oxide Records Iron Pegasus Iron Tyrant Iron, Blood and Death Corporatio Island Jihosound Records K.V.N.T. Kolektiv Kampf Records Kaos Goat Prod. Karisma & Dark Essence Rec. Keepers of the Flame Khaoszophy Kill Yourself Productions Kiss Of Shame Records Krucyator Productions KSCOPE Kunsthall Kuunpalvelus KVLT Kyrck Productions & Armour La Maria del Tajo Promusica Lake Of Fire Productions Lamech Records Left Hand Patches Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Prod. Life Eternal Productions Lifeforce Listenable Insanity Records Listenable Rec. Livor Mortis Lost Symbol Lost Wisdom Recordings Lower Silesian Stronghold Lunar Apparitions Lupus Lounge Lvx Infernvm Madfish Malignant Voices Mantratya Productions Mara Production Martyrdoom Productions Mascot Records Massacre Records MDD Me Saco Un Ojo Rec. Medieval Prophecy Records Memento Mori Prod. Merciless Rec. Messe Noire Prod. Metal Age Metal Bastard Enterprises Metal Blade Metal Command Records Metal Defiance Productions Metal Inquisition Records Metal Of Death Metal on Metal Metalfan Records Division MetalPunxRex Metalville Midnight Records Mighty Music Misanthrophia Discos Misanthropic Generation Media Misanthropic Luciferian Onslaugh Moon Records Morbid Chapel Records Morbid Classic Morbid Generation Records Moribund Rec. Mort Productions Music for Nations Mute Mystic Prod. Mysticism Production Mystískaos Mythrone Promotion NAMAZU Prod. Napalm Rec. Narbentage Produktionen NASPHYR RECORDS Naturmacht Prod. Nebular Carcoma Records NECRO SOUND Necrocosm Necroharmonic Necrolatry Records Necromanteion Necroscope Metalzine Necroterror Records Nekrart Productions Nekrogoat Heresy Prod. Neseblod Records Neue Aesthetik Neuropa New Density New Era Prod. NIGHT IN TERRORS Night Shroud Nigredo Productions Nihilistic Holocaust No Colours No Posers Please! NO REMORSE RECORDS No Sign Of Life No Solace Nocturnal Silence NOISE RECORDS Noisebringer Records Nomad Snakepit Prod. Nomos Dei Non Serviam Nordisk Kultur Nordvis Prod. Norma Evangelium Diaboli Northern Heritage Prod. Northern Silence Prod. Not on Label Nuclear Abominations Rec. Nuclear Blast Nuclear War Now! Prod. Nuclear Winter Records Nykta Obliteration Records Obscure Abhorrence Prod. Okaleczenie Old Axe Cult Records Old Forest Production Old Rites Old Shadows Records Old Temple Omnipresence Oration Order Of The Blood Dog Ordo Decimus Peccatum Orkestral Promenade Productions Osmose Prod. Ostrogothia Productions Out of the Dungeon Pagan Rec. Pagan War Distro Parachute Rec. Pařát Rock Metal Magazine Parlophone Pathologically Explicit Peaceville PELAGIC RECORDS Pentagram Pentagram Records Perverse Homage PLASTIC HEAD Power It Up Records Primitive Reaction Prior Satanae Production Pro Morte Profound Lore Prod. Prophecy Prod. Prosthetic Rec. Psychedelic Lotus Order Psychogrind Records Pulverised Rec. Pure Holocaust Purity Through Fire PURTOK Putrescense Records Putrid Cult Rapacious Projections Rat King Records Ravdvs Raw Skull Rec. Rawforce Razamataz Reaper Entertainment Reaper Metal Prod. Reaper Records Rebellion Records RED CREEK Red Stream Redefining Brutality Records Redefining Darkness Regain Rec. Reigning Phoenix Music Reissued Sounds Relapse Rec. Repose Records Repulsive Echo Revelation Ov Doom Reviviendo las Huestes Rex Bagude Rex Diaboli Rise Above Rec. Rites Of Doom Productions Roadrunner Records Rotting Misery Rusty Crowbar Rec. Sad Sun Music Sadolust Sargent House Satanic Records Saturnal Rec. Saturnus productions SCARLET Schattenkult Prod. Scythe Of Death Productions Seance Rec. Season of Mist Secret Seed Of Doom Self-released Selfmadegod Rec. Sentient Ruin Sepulchral Productions Sepulchral Voice Rec. Serpent's Eye Records Seven Metal Inches Records Shadow Kingdom Rec. Shadow Rec. Signal Rex Silent Future Recordings Silver Key Records Silver Lining Music Sinistrari Records Sleaszy Rider Slowly We Rot Slowrunner Rec. Societas Oculorum Arcanorum Sodomistic Rituals Productions Sons of Hell Prod. Sony Music Soulseller Southern Lord Spheres Spinefarm Rec. Spread Evil SPV Steamhammer Stunde Des Ideals - Produktionen Stygian Black Hand Sun & Moon Records Sutsircitna Productions Svart Rec. SYLPHORIUM RECORDS Symbol Of Domination Prod Tankcrimes Rec. Temple of Darkness Temple Of Mystery Records Tenebrous Aberrations Prods Tentacles Industries Terratur Possessions Terror from Hell Terror Propaganda TESTIMONY RECORDS The Circle The Clandestine Coven The Cosmic Pillars The Crypt The Devil's Elixirs The Edge Of Forever The Oath The Sinister Flame The Sinister Initiative The Throat Theogonia Records Third Eye Temple Those Opposed Records Thou Shalt Kill! Records Thrashing Madness Prod. Threeman Recordings Throne Records Till You Fukkin Bleed Titan Woods To The Death Total Darkness Propaganda Total War Totenkopf Propaganda Totenmusik Tour De Garde Transcending Obscurity Rec. Transcending Records Trauma Records Triangulum Ignis Trisol Triumph Of Death TRIUMPH OV DEATH Triumphant Transgressions Triumvirate of Evil Trollmusic Trust No One Recordings Tyrannus Rec. Unborn Prod. Under The Sign Of Garazel Prod. Underground Front Rec. Underground Resistance Unearthed Coffin Productions Unexploded Records Unholy Domain Unholy Prophecies Unique Leader Records Universal Music Unlight Productions Unofficial Release Unorthodox Emanations Unsilent Tombs Records Unspeakable Axe Records Upir Promotion Urtod Void Vainovalkeat Prod. VALUE MERCH Van Rec. Vanagandr Vault Of Dried Bones Veins Full of Wrath Vendetta Records VERSETS NOIRS Vertigo Vic Rec. View Beyond Records Reloaded Voz Da Morte Vrasubatlat W.T.C. War Against Yourself Productions War Anthem Rec. WarCore Records Warhemic Productions Warlord Trinity Productions Weed Hunter Records Weltenfeind Werewolf Promotion Werewolf Records Werewolves Records White Wolf Prod. WILLOWTIP Witches Brew Witches Sabbath Rec. Witching Hour Prod. WKN Wolf Mountain Production Wolfsbane Records Woodcut Records Worship Him Rec. Xenokorp Xtreem Music Zanjeer Zani Zwaertgevegt Zzooouhh Records Zły Demiurg