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Strona główna » Kasety magnetofonowe » UADA Djinn TAPE [MC]


Fallen Temple Bandcamp
  • Fallen Temple
    wytwórnia muzyczna i sklep internetowy
    NIP: 5732421614
  • E-mail:shop@fallentemple.pl
  • Godziny działania sklepucodziennie 9.00 - 17.00
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Dostępność: Dostępny

Czas wysyłki: 3 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Cena: 44,90 zł

Ilość: szt.
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  • Opis produktu

Firstpress with Slipcase.


Simply titled titled but by no means simple in construction nor execution, Djinn builds upon the increasingly ambitious songwriting of its no-less-considerable predecessor, but pushes their dazzling artistry into nearly Technicolor landscapes of the Beyond. Upon the first opening notes, this boundless artistry is felt: big, rolling rhythms reminiscent of post-punk, tantalizingly setting the stage for the splendorous expanses to follow. There's a certain magick at play here, no doubt bolstered by the band's rhythm section of Josiah Babcock (who puts in his final performance here) and new bassist Nate Verschoor, erstwhile mainman of Veiled; this throttling-yet-deft foundation both leads and plays acute counterpoint to the spiraling, windswept riffing of founders Jake Superchi (also vocals) and James Sloan, their guitar work transcending the poignancy of prior works. And indeed, Djinn's generous six-song/hour-long runtime no doubt allows the listener the ultimate freedom to roam within Uada's ever-unique world, spanning both smothering speed and deliriously dream-like states, Very Metal urgency and textural exploration alike - put simply, the band at the height of their creative powers. Djiin is truly its own realm of experience.

"Djinn, first inhabitors of this world, the smokeless fire and those we call upon our enemies, has gifted us a 60-minute descent into the modern-day possessions of our existence and demise," state the band, "A duality that can only be known as our third wish."

1. Djinn [7:50]
2. The Great Mirage [6:50]
3. No Place Here [13:40]
4. In the Absence of Matter [9:49]
5. Forestless [7:55]
6. Between Two Worlds [13:56]

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