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Strona główna » Płyty CD » VERHEERER Archar [CD]


Fallen Temple Bandcamp
  • Fallen Temple
    wytwórnia muzyczna i sklep internetowy
    NIP: 5732421614
  • E-mail:shop@fallentemple.pl
  • Godziny działania sklepucodziennie 9.00 - 17.00
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Dostępność: Dostępny

Czas wysyłki: 3 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Cena: 39,90 zł

Ilość: szt.
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  • Opis produktu
"VERHEERER, a mysterious, clandestine Black Metal project from Flensburg (Germany). Consequently it's not much to discover about it. Therefore I am uncertain if it's a one man project, a band or whatever galactic demon. Frankly, who gives a fuck? Important is “Archar” is high quality Black Metal entertainment. Very diversified in a sense of combining fast, uncompromising and raw Black Metal with a bitter cold atmospheric state of trance. Grim and brutal riffs are skillfully embedded in gloomy melodic passages. Everything highlighted by a great sound, which is a very pleasant balance between professional recording and keeping the nasty stench of those rituals. What I certainly like most about it, is the space which is granted every instrument allowing you to enjoy each little event clearly. The sound and the created atmosphere reminds me of MGLA's “With Hearts Towards None” album, which I admire a lot. And not just the sound also the use of samples and the different variants of his singing style is building bridges to bands like MGLA or PLAGA. Anyhow it's not a cheap copy, not close. “Archar” has its own unique sound effect. I'd say with “Archar” you have a very enjoyable Black Metal record. And as so often this year, dont forget: this is just the first torch burning. Be prepared for the blazing pyres!" voices from the dark side
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