Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 3 dni
Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł
Stan produktu: Nowy
“Dominion of Fire” is already the fourth album by B L A C K G O A T, but easily their strongest! Musically, they are roaming close to cults like Varathron, Typhon, Mortuary Drape and even classic dark Heavy Metal. What sets them apart from others is their strength to forge riffs and arrangements into hymns that stay in your mind. Hence, their message of devil worship and necromancy will sink into your conscious at ease! Contains guest appearances by none others than Jim Mutilator (Rotting Christ, Yoth Iria…) and Damien King III (Disharmony)!
After releases on Barbarian Wrath and Mexican label “Iron Blood and Death” LEP is fucking proud to evoke the band’s first vinyl release.