Dostępność: Dostępny
Czas wysyłki: 3 dni
Koszt wysyłki: od 0,00 zł
Stan produktu: Nowy
Orphique, a new player within Québec's Black Metal scene, was summoned by David Potter as a means to put his vision into words and music. For his first album, Consécration Cadavérique, Potter has surrounded himself by musicians close to him to realize this vision, the result of which is high-caliber melodic Black Metal, where faster, more traditional parts fuse with atmospheric and progressive passages, somewhat reminiscent of Gris and Sombres Forêts' musical collaboration, Miserere Luminis. Sometimes frenetic, sometimes contemplative, always emotional, Consécration Cadavérique should captivate fans of Québécois Black Metal!